What is it?
The Logi Spotlight is a clicker, pointer, presentation controller with a slick design, three clickable buttons and multiple personalization options. All these tools are designed for a specific public in mind: academics, speakers, teachers and whoever needs a device to control any presentation.
All this information resembles an infomertial that can be created by any tech influencer, but despite its commercial advantages, I for one can tell that it is the most advanced and complete gadget in that field that can offer a different set of options rather than just being an external keyboard.
I started doing some research on this kind of products after having difficulties to both teach, engage my students and wasting time moving from one corner to another in the classroom to get to my laptop and change the slides. At the very beggining, I consider just buying the cheapest product that could achive the same goal: emulate a left or right key press on the system. Yet, by doing so, I also thought that I could do so using any wireless keyboard and/or a mouse.
That solution did not scrath my itch, and I kept considering a device with other functions. In that process I found two brands: NORWII and Logitech. After more detailed and deep thought, I tailored my options to Logi R500 and the Spotlight (minding the price tag [50 or 100USD]).
Both options offered similar capabilities when it comes to the software and hardware: 3 buttons and a software to modify and bind different commands to the buttons. The only significant differente was, and maybe the selling point, the presentation features. By this I reffer to the laser pointer and any extra tool to increase the engament in the presentation.
The R500s comes with a physical laser that under some circustances can help the audience to pay attention to specific details. However, in any bright environment it can be invisible and thus rendering the feature useless.
In contrast, the Spotlight does not have a physical pointer light, but it does include a better tool: mouse-simulation using sensors and a gyroscope. Along with the software, it allows it to perform actions such as moving the coursor, clicking, black screen, amplifier and so more commands (even smart actions).